Queen Of Stars
Hello my child,
Hello blessed vision… feel the warmth of the sun, feel the warmth from the hearth of my heart. You are the One. You are my chosen beloved, my precious… my starling from heaven, my most blessed of visions. You are my son. You are my dream for humanity.
You are all the things words cannot capture. You are all the things feeling cannot hold. You are me - by me, through my being - but so too you are unique. You are a miracle. You are my cherished epiphany. ‘Tis the day of your birth and ‘tis the day a human became Mother to a creature that would become King. What will you rule and how will you be? Only time will tell and yet time has already told your tale. ‘Tis the tale of a kind soul, of a wise soul, of a soul to behold who changed all things; who changed the world and who changed me. I am your Mother. And I will love you through all shades of darkness and through all realms. The beat of my heart sings your song, exudes your being, your beingness with each and every breath. Thank you for choosing me my darling sweet creature. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Gratitude… this is the thing you taught me. You taught me how deeply a heart can dive, how deeply a heart can sink unto its self; to the underside, to a dwelling most private… you taught me how deeply a heart can beat, can receive and give thanks.
My child, it will not be easy.
My child there will be days, and moments and whole stretches of pain.
I will be there, on the cross with you. I will bear thy so called sins. I will testify to thy Truth, and Goodness, to thy Exalted Supremacy, to thy Origins Most High. I will be there when they shame you, belittle you, refuse your gifts and the gift that You Are. I will be there, I will be there with you. Even if you can’t see me, even if I can’t in physicality wipe away the tears, and the sorrows, and the fears… I will be there. I am with you child. I am thy Mother and my love resounds throughout your walls, throughout every cell and throughout all the stars. I will be there. I will experience every slam, every stab, every shock and horror. We will do it together. I will be there.
Sleep, sleep now child. Sleep and be warm. There is more on the way, so much more is coming. But you are here in my arms and never will I ever allow you to forget this moment. ‘Twas Me - I brought you forth, delivered your essence. You come from Love. Never will I ever allow you to forget or repress or suppress My Love. Always you can come back to it, time and time and time and time and infinite tries again. Sleep my child. The animals and the stars watch over you. They know The Truth. They know The Ruse of The Ruses. As do I… as do I. When you awake, in the morning when the lids of thine most holy of eyes lift… it will all seem real. It will seem as though we have spilt, and that I hold you now as a separate creature; as a thing from another world, as some form in a distant dream, some distant landscape with so many entities… with so many seemingly “real” catastrophes; hopeless happenings and helpless casualties. You will traverse it beautifully. You will find your glory-filled way. And you will come back to me… back to this moment with the moon overhead, with the midnight glow and the quiet and the calm. This first moment before it all sped up. This first, initiating stance… glance… this first initiating choice; perspective. Always I will keep you safe for always I will protect this memory… our shared reality. I consecrate this moment and I place it your pocket. Child I am your Mother and know this: When You Have Nothing You Have Me. I am an unwavering force in your mind, in your heart, in the stories you’ll tell. Hold on to me child when you’ve nothing to hold or to hope for or to pray. At dawn the sun as they know it here, a blazoning orb in a sky will break and pierce this starry stillness… and the voices and the forces will all become very loud; alive with motion, with purpose, with criss-crossing paths. But I’ll be holding space and intention; I’ll hold this moment for you. Like a precious pearl, like a dazzling jewel… I’ll be staring straight at you always and forevermore. Sleep… sleep my child. I have you and I will not let go. Let them bloody and sully as learning would have them do. I have you, I’ll hold you. I’ll be there.
I’ll be there with you. Every birthday. Every joy. Every bruise.
Might this letter be sacred testament from a Queen Of Stars to a King Of Men.
Might this letter be sacred testament from a Primordial Creator to an Earthbound Child.
Might this letter be sacred testament from the Feminine Half to a Masculine Part, from the Inner Whisper to a Highflying Roar.
Might this letter be sacred testament from Each and Every Pulsing Heart to Each and Every Churning Mind.
Might this letter be sacred testament from The Divine to The Mortal; from The Master Omnipotence to Each and Every sleeping and waking, and breathing and blinking, and stumbling then overcoming through tears, laughter, desire and trials Human.
Might this letter be sacred testament from Every Apparent Lesser to Every Apparent Presentation Of More.
Might this letter be sacred testament from every Truth to every Lie; to all the Little Deaths and to Each and Every Apparent “Failed Attempt,” Apparent “Failure To Fly.”
Might this letter be sacred testament from Me to You; from The Me That Exists Beyond to the You That Exists Within. Sleep… sleep well child.
Might this letter be sacred testament from The Sacred Mother to The Sacred Other; to the Darling Dream and External Mirror she bore, lived to bring forth. You Are Loved. By me and through me you come, are held and will return. Sleep well child. I am with you.
Merry Season of Christmas.
Merry Season of Light and all the Christ-Like Stances, and Loving Glances, and Selfless Choices and Pure, Faith-Filled Perspectives; merry season of goodness. Merry Season of The Child.
Creature your Day Of Birth is the story I tell… is my most happy of celebrations, and creations, and sweet, concentric dreams. Hold on to me. I am here. I am the kiss in the breeze and the whisper at your core.
Rise high my child. ‘Tis all of it -