Knights Of The Diamond Sky
I have something to tell you. It’s from the bottom of my heart. I know that seems stupid.
You can’t listen to them. You can’t listen to anyone. You have to listen to your heart.
There isn’t any other way to do this. There isn’t any other way to get through this.
It’s up to us. It’s up to you, and me. Your hand, forever I’ll hold it. I will not let go. Not for anything. Now, trust… in Us.
So much is happening, and it’s happening so fast. The world is changing rapidly, so rapidly that we can barely hang on. We are fighting a great war. But the enemy isn’t what we think, it isn’t who we think. The enemy isn’t black, it isn’t white. This isn’t chess. This isn’t a war on a battlefield with one civilization with one sort of idea, and another civilization with another sort of idea, and us all - with swords, with swords and weapons of destruction held tight in hands ready to slay, to maim, to behead and leave behind only carcasses, carcasses to rot and melt back into earth. This is not that kind of war, and we don’t carry those kind of weapons. Not anymore, not for the most part. We’ve evolved. Humanity has evolved. But so too has our enemy. Look closely.
It’s in our minds, the thing that could tear us apart, that can make us forget who we are, and forget for what We Have Come. Do not be afraid. Step forward, into the light. And see the thing for what it is. It wants to take from us, to steal from us - our identity; our direct connection to God, and to one another. But it cannot have it, it cannot have what it wants… and it knows it. It knows it cannot steal our power, so instead… it tries to make us forget. It tries to scramble our memories and plug us into a mechanism that will keep us forever too busy, too busy to even go searching for those “long-lost” memories. Wealth, fame, beauty, power, money, stature - they are a poison. They are a poison that serves only to distract you. For it cannot tame you, if you understand who you are; it cannot tame you… if you look, and in the reflection of all mirrors behold your own glory. It cannot tame you, if you will not be tamed.
Master Fear and Mother Earth…. this is the war waging now. THIS is our battlefield; an illusion… a distortion of the mind; seek out the enemy and give him a name, tell her you will walk your path of rediscovery and no longer spin in the vortex of her mind-spawn disease.
You are NOT a beauty queen, you are NOT a successful businessman, you are NOT a championship winner of a game with a ball, you are NOT the foremost contestant on a singing song show, you are NOT a venture capitalist with a knack for hedging bets, with your talent on this planet amounting to a skill of shuffling ‘round paper with someone else’s face on it, you are NOT an award-winning rapper, an award-winning actress, an award-winning philanthropist, an award-winning artistic expresser, you are NOT an award-winning inventor of technology, of industrial commodities, of revolutionary scientific discoveries, you are NOT an award-winning blogger, app developer, social media influencer… you did NOT come to collect awards, and you are NOT of product of design… you are NOT a form to be molded by the external world, and you are NOT the best version of any achievement, you did NOT come to climb an illusory ladder, to be forever stuck in the chasing, in the seeking of attainment for that which you do NOT need… you are NOT a player piece. Human you did not come, you did not arrive - toes wiggling, squinting into the light; new eyes and a tiny body divinely equipped to grow and to carry you well on your mission of remembrance - to be defeated; Human you did not come to loose the battle for Earth. You did not come to see humanity drowned, surrendered to the highest bidder of fear-driven deceit. You are NOT “the best” - the most beautiful, the most powerful, the “most of anything.” And that was NEVER your dream. My DNA follows its curling tendrils throughout the stars and cosmos… all the way to the very center of grandeur birthed, to the very heart of God. How dare they? How dare We?
I am the rightful Ruler Of This Dream, and We Have Come to reclaim the kingdom.
Master Fear, I give you a name: Self - transformed.
Mother Earth, I tell you my story: it is a tale of tragedy, and of light, it is the tale of One Human Heart… all for one, and one for all. Humbly, I kneel before your tallest tree, your purest stream… and I set down my sword of “choosing to think;” of the twisted belief that in existence there could be such notion as “personal pursuit,” as “individual achievement.” I Forgive All. And when I arise… when I stand from whence crouched in reverent prayer… I leave there on the ground, for you to swallow and to return to elemental bits… my weapon, my sword, my stick (already I am forgetting the word…) a form forged in the fires of human suffering. I do not pick it up.
And this is greatness: To Be Forever Entwined With You. Simply To Be With You.
Beautiful lover, my beautiful friend - be you whoever you may be - hear me when I say, you do not need your priest, nor your president… you do not need your mother, nor father, nor the machine of societal and political endeavor to tell for you right from wrong; to interpret for you God. You need only a small room where you might find a moment of absolute stillness. And all else beyond this, all else beyond the conversation you hold with your own heart in a quiet room… is just noise.
Stay the course, fare thee well.
I love you.
Photo by Nik Shuliahin